Sunday, June 17, 2012

Just Some Things

   Has anybody else read a book or story by someone and thought that the author sounded like you? I was reading Beauty and the Werewolf, which is a good book by Mercedes Lackey in the series Tales of the Five Hundred Kingdoms, and I was really, really surprised. Because her writing style really reminded me of my own, and that was kind of exciting because she's a pro and I'm... Well, not. So I was thinking about sending her my book. The next one, not this one. Maybe this one. I don't know. I wonder if she'd think the same, or maybe it's just wishful thinking on my part.
   In any case, I got this really cool idea for a book or a story while I was reading it, and I think it's pretty neat. So, people make stories about werewolves all the time. Were-things, actually. People that turn into swans, rats, bats, and various other creatures. Well, doesn't that get a bit boring? That is how I got the idea that someone should make a story about a werewolf biting a wolf, which turns the wolf into a human for the full moon. But on the other hand, with that few days a month, storyline might get boring, so what do we say on the full moon all day long and at night from about midnight to three am.
   Of course this poor wolf would have just been minding his own business and is completely bewildered when this happens, and he will be horrified at his new hideous shape. But in the end he'll get sucked into a quest to get it removed somehow, blah de blah de blah. I don't know how this would go, but perhaps it would make a good second story in the next book I'm printing? I know I'd read it, but then again I always think that I'm more amusing than other people find me.
   Well, good news. Good-ish. Well, it's news.
   The giveaway ended a few days ago, which I was super excited about! In the last week or so of the giveaway I got almost three hundred people that hurried to enter to win. The final, amazing count was 509 people! That is not shabby. It's about average for a giveaway, I think, which is very nice for me since I am a first-timer. Congrats to Brittany, the recipient of my book! I hope she likes it. It's a bit scary to know that she's reading it, since basically everyone that read it was either related to me or I know them personally. 
   In any case, so that is very good, but now it's a little bit sad whenever I go to goodreads because I'm all excited to check how many more people have entered the contest just by habit, but it's gone.
   All right. In any case, I just want to say that I have read all of my books about a zillion times and I am bored of them and need new. Any suggestions for good books?
   You all take care now, and keep on reading. :) Love,
                                                                               -Eva Gould, Author

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