Friday, April 27, 2012

Second post in very few hours!

   All right folks, I know that I've all ready made a blog post in the last 24 hours, but my mind is just racing and it won't stop. I've been feeling a lot better than I was earlier, and I've gotten some work done. Yeah, at the end of last post I added that I finally found that notebook. Well, I've been converting it onto the computer, and so far I've reached about page 20, which may not sound like a whole lot, but trust me... It is. 
   Since I don't really have anything to talk about in particular, I thought that I might add a bit from the new book. I'd like to get some feedback. Now, first I have to say that when I say Ass in this book, I'm not swearing (well, not really) I'm referring to the characters, who are actually donkeys. So, go ahead and let me know what you think, please. Here goes. Now, the Princess just became engaged, and this happened the next day.
            "Princess What was in the courtyard early the next morning. She yawned widely as she deposited one last bag to the small pile on the cobblestones. It had been a late night; the king had announced her betrothal to the entire court, and the news had been received with joy. There had been three cheers for the young couple (among them were ‘hip hip, hooray!’, ‘Eagles have all the zest, Eagles are the very best’, and  that time-honored favorite ‘Be aggressive, B-E aggressive!). After this there had been an impromptu feast. What would never know how so much food could be cooked so quickly, and was led to conclude that it must have been started almost as soon as the prince had ridden in on his Pegasus and declared his intentions for one and all to hear. This in turn led her to wonder how many other feasts had been discarded when her previous suitors left empty-handed.
            In any case, what and Prince Valiance had been seated on either side of the king, so it had been unable to hold a conversation. Still, he shot her glances and smiles, each of which caused her stomach to lurch funnily, and she ended up not actually eating very much.
            Finally What had ended up being bundled back into bed without being able to so much as say good night to her prince. She had pictured his beautiful blue eyes until her body forced her eyelids to close, and when she slept it was with a smile on her face.
            Crimsone had woken What the next morning and helped her to pack. She stifled a yawn and asked What “So why are you doing this, again?”
            What sighed but explained patiently. “The prince had a curse cast on him by an evil crone. He can’t marry until the one that he’s promised to finds what she is searching for.”
            Crimsone had merely yawned again and said that it sounded like a stupid kind of curse. Then as she finished packing she turned to her friend and hugged her.
            “I’m sorry that I can’t go, What.”
            “That’s all right. I’ll try to keep in touch, at least.”
“Yeah, and at least you won’t be going alone.”
Chapter Three
Now What was the one to sigh and stared down at the cobblestone. She would miss Crimsone, but this was for her and Prince Valiance. And sure, in What’s books it was the prince who always went on a quest for the princess, but when Valiance had looked up at her so pleadingly as though his heart would break if she said no…
The noise of someone trotting across the courtyard woke her from her reverie, and she turned, hoping to see those blue eyes again, but it wasn’t Prince Valiance.  Two very odd-looking donkeys were trotting out from the stables to meet her. One was all black, except for flames tattooed on his muzzle, and a bit of red in his ears. He wore dark sunglasses, and he looked… cool… Maybe it was his saunter,  but it distracted you from his companion. When you did notice his companion, though, the knee-jerk reaction was surprise that you hadn’t noticed it before. This donkey was pure white with angelic blue eyes, and above its head a bright halo hovered. What tried not to look surprised and smiled politely at the two.
“Good morning. You must be Good Ass and Bad Ass.”
Bad Ass looked her cooly up and down once, and then proceeded to ignore her, but Good Ass came up to What and bobbed his head. “It’s a pleasure to travel with you. I will do all that I can to make this an easy quest for you. You are as lovely as the prince said, princess.”
Princess What felt herself flushing and thought that she was probably smiling like a fool. “Thank you. Are you two ready to go?”
Good Ass nodded and said “I’m ready,” and Bad Ass condescended to snort and say “I only need me.” So, What tied the packs onto Good Ass and they left out of the wide open portcullis.
At the very end of the cloud was a large platform floating in midair. A rail ran around the platform at about waist height so that people wouldn’t fall off. That would just be bad form.
They all climbed aboard, and as it jolted into movement What rubbed that sleep out of her eyes. It fell to the floor of the elevator in the form of a pitch black square of cloth about the size of What’s hand. Very carefully she picked it up and put it in her pocket.
What had never been off of her home cloud, not since her mother the queen… Well, she had just never been allowed to leave, that's all. Now What looked around in amazement; she had never seen anything like it except for in pictures. The castle on a cloud was too high up to get a really good view, but now as they descended she saw everything. A road began at the spot on the ground where the elevator landed, and it wound its way through fields and over hills before disappearing side by side with a stream into the distance. Scattered here and there were fields of flowers and tall grass, broken only by the occasional dairy, wheat, and corn farms. Far off in the distance a forest began, its dense trees just a black line on the horizon."
Okay folks, there's the sneak peak! More to come, if you'd like.... ;) Give me your opinions, I'd love to hear them. Once again, thanks for dropping by, and have a wonderful day.
                      -Eva Gould, author

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