Sunday, May 13, 2012

Movie, Book, Movie, Book...

   Hello there and good morning! So, I've had a little something on my mind; movies and books.
   Should books be made into movies or shows? There are several different kinds of books that have been converted. For example A Game of Thrones; not a bad  show, but diverges from the books in nearly every way except the characters. I would recommend watching if you've never read the books. Also along those lines, Sherlock Holmes; the new show. I would even put the recent Sherlock Holmes movies featuring Robert Downey Jr. in that category, because while they have a detective named Sherlock in them, they are action rather than mystery, and let's face it; Robert is just not Sherlock. So, I would say, if you've never read the books feel free to watch it; they're great movies, but they're not about Mr. Holmes as he will always be to me, as I have always read of him, and as I will always love him. If you have read the books and liked then, you are going to have a bad time watching these.
   Next up; movies with slight alterations from the books. These are movies with only little bits from the books left out, and that is mostly for time's sake. This includes all of the Harry Potter movies, The Hunger Games, the Lord of the Rings, Narnia, and other such movies. I was sad that they cut out Tom Bombadil from LoTR, because he was one of my favorite characters. Still, you can't deny that they stayed true to the books, and all of the movies were wonderful enjoyable.
   Lastly there are the ones that are completely true to the book, and everything is exactly as you imagined it in your head while reading. So far, I can think of exactly zero of these, though I know they must be out there somewhere. If you know of any, please give me the title, because I would be ecstatic to see them!
   So what do you think? Should books be made into movies or show?
   My answer is a resounding "It depends!"
   Should they be made into a show? Absolutely not. There wouldn't be enough content to fill more than one season, as demonstrated by A Game. Should they be made into movies? Here is my answer, and listen closely, movie makers; if you are going to make a movie from a book... follow the book as close as possible. Why? Because people watch the movies because they loved the book. Well, I do in any case, so... don't let me down!
   So there it is! If you have any discussion for me on that topic, feel free to let me know!
   Also, I am very happy to say that I now have over 115 page views on my blog, probably from all two of my wonderful followers checking up on me. I'm sorry that I haven't written any more lately, I have been working a lot, and yesterday I was busy spending time with my sister and my sweet nieces and nephews.
   Lastly, I have been writing on my new book; slowly but surely, and it's coming along quite nicely! I've been thinking of new plot twists to throw in. Obviously the prince has to be an evil womanizer of some sort... Maybe I should make him an evil wizard that wants to take over the kingdom and enslave everyone? Hmm. Perhaps. I'll ponder on it more while taking a bubble bath and drinking hot tea.
   Thanks to the 195 people on who have requested my book! I hope that whoever wins it will enjoy it. For now good night, I love you all, and here is a thank you for staying with me through my boring and pointless blogs. Never stop reading, my dears.
                                                                          -Eva Gould, Author

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